Payment terms and general conditions
When registering for a race organised by the Reykjavik Sports Association, all participants must check a box to confirm their acceptance of the general terms and conditions of the race and the privacy policy that is impregnable to the terms. Registration is not possible unless the box is checked.
Conditions for participating
Name changes for registrations already received are not permitted and entry fees cannot be carried over between years. Registered participants are responsible for safeguarding their bib numbers and any other items that are part of the registration package. These items may not be given to any other person in order to enable them to participate in the race. Runners who use bib numbers not assigned to them by the organisers are not valid participants.
Cancelling and Refund
In case of cancellation runners can get a part of their entry fee refunded if they send an e-mail to info@marathon.is before the below-listed dates:
Before December 30th - you get 75% refund
Before March 1st - you get 50% refund
Those participants that cancel their registration will not be able to get the race package.
We encourage everyone that decides later on not to take part to let us know by email.
Ticket transfer
It will be possible to transfer the ticket for the Laugavegur ultra marathon before a certain time, as stated on the race's website. Ticket transfers must be made in accordance with the entry requirements of the race and approved by the ÍBR staff.
Ticket transfer will be possible until June 15th. The registration must meet the requirements of the race. The ITRA points must be within the year 2024 or 36 months after the original registration began (November 6).
(Ticket transfers will be better announced at the beginning of 2025)
Terms that the participants have to sign at the race package pickup
With my signature, I confirm the following:
I certify that I‘m fit both physically and mentally for the completion of the Laugavegur Ultra Marathon in under 9 hours and 15 minutes.
I am wholly aware of the length and specificity of the 55km Laugavegur race, that goes through the Icelandic highland and out of an inhabited area.
I know how to deal with harsh and difficult weather conditions, wind, cold, fog, rain, snow and other adverse weather conditions.
I have studied the information about the cut-off time, and I am aware that I need to leave the drinking station of Álftavatn, lake cabin (22 km) within 4 hours after I start the race and that I need to leave the drinking station by Emstrur cabin (38 km) within 6 hours and 30 minutes after I start the race. I know that the cut-off time has no exceptions and that there is the same time limit for all participants. I know that to complete this distance by that time, one has to be an experienced off-road mountain runner.
Due to security reasons, I will have a space blanket, a whistle and a mobile phone with the emergency number 112 saved with me during the race.
I am aware that the role of the organisers and their staff is not that of assisting an individual participant in their fatigue or lack of experience in training, energy or proper clothing. Safety is depended on the runner’s capacity to deal with unpredictable situations.
I have read and understood the Laugavegur Ultra Marathon race rules and I agree to follow them without any exceptions.
I agree to follow the instructions given by the race staff and accept the assistance they think necessary for my safety and other participants.
I waive and release any rights and claims for damages I may have against the race organiser, Reykjavik Sports Association, any staff member or co-sponsor of the run for any injuries, illnesses or accidents or other unpredictable incidents I may suffer in the 2024 Laugavegur Ultra Marathon.
Click here to read the complete race rules and here to find information about the cut-off time.